Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Life Got In The Way"

I don't do change well, I never have. The night before I left for college I sat in my freshly emptied room stripped of all its memories of high school. I knew at that moment things were never going to be the same. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. My freshman year of college was awful. I had serious thoughts of transferring schools. After that year I grew to love college. A lot of it had to do with the amazing people I met my sophomore year. I changed everything about what I hated to make it better. I lived with four random people and built some unbreakable friendships. I made a best friend out of one of my roommates. I found an amazing man at school (my former "whatever").  By the time graduation came around I had fallen in love with my college. Yet another chapter was ending and a new one beginning. This time I was eager for this chapter of my life to begin...that didn't last too long.

Everything has changed again. My "whatever" and I are finally over. After two years its a bitter-sweet taste left in my mouth. I'm not angry. He taught me so much. He taught me to love again and to love myself. He showed me how someone should really be treated within a relationship. The first time we broke up I bought Cooper (I heard that getting a pet is the best thing you can do for a break-up), so that's a huge positive out of our relationship.

  It's funny how life never works out the way you think it's going to. You can plan all you want but life still doesn't do what you want it to. I should probably stop planning. I am interested to see how this is all going to turn out.

*If you're a first time reader my blogs are normally way more upbeat and happy and strange! Sorry for the Debbie Downer today.

*Title from Sister Hazel song, "Life got in the way" ... amazing song! Go listen to it! This is the best version I could find of the song on YouTube

1 comment:

  1. Sister Hazel is my F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E ever. (: hahaa --- PS are you rich yet? I'm trying your method but I don't seem to be doing too great! hmmm ...
