Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's been way to long since I've wrote a blog. I've had no creative juices flowing through my mind lately...until last night! I decided to call it an early night and was in the bed by 8 pm, but to insure I stayed asleep I took NyQuil last night. About the time I was falling asleep I had a blast of brilliance. I was too tired however to get out of bed and type it. CURSE NyQuil!

This is what I was thinking drifting off into dream land. I love words that start with the letter "p." I hate when I tell people this though because I can never think of words that start with "p". Then people think its ok to throw in words that start with a "p" that suck. Never tell a guy you like "p" words either. P's for guys stand for= Pervert!

Here is a mammoth of a list compiled of the most superb "P" words:

*Purple- my favorite color
*Popcorn- tasty and delightful
*Puppies- I mean come on who doesn't love?
*Pandora- Don't open her box, unless it's on your cell phone ;) ha get it! Pandora Radio!
*Patience- is a virtue
*Pandemonium- Panic!
*Plethora- Yes, I love this word
*Pantomime- Scary but okay
*Papyrus- I wish I had some
*Party- again who doesn't love a Party?
*Pasty- Vampire
*Peachy- keen
*Pendulum- The Pit and.... you guessed it, the Pendulum

For a list of funny phrases that start with the letter P check out this website (WORTH IT):

Ok, I'm done with that for now. You know what else I like? Coining words (making up words). I really love to say someone is Slut-tastic, or call my apartment my apt. NOT to be confused with A P T. Just actually say apt. I think a douche-0-rama is a gathering of douchey people. I wish I had a job to sit around and make up words.

If you read this post no worries, You are not a slutola or Slut-tastic! Congratulations :)

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