Monday, January 24, 2011

Sleeping BEAST

You know what I absolutely LOVE? Naps. I love anticipating naps, planning for them, snuggling back into my warm bed and wrapping the covers over me and sleeping. You know what I hate? People waking me up from my amazing slumber. I only take naps if I know they are going to be more than an hour long. You do NOT want to wake me up after only one hour. Naps should be at least two hours long, and you should awake on your own.

However, this was not the case today. For starters, Cooper wanted to play ball (of course) while I was napping. I tried my best to ignore him for the first fifteen minutes but I have developed an incredible new ability to throw the ball in my sleep. Anyways, during the first fifteen minutes of my nap my phone goes off. I ignored. Then one hour into my nap my phone starts going off again. Text messages, alarms everywhere. Cooper takes this as a sign that I'm awake. He jumps on me and sits on top of me to cut off my air supply so that I will have to wake up. When I finally opened my eyes there were four tennis balls on my head. FOUR. NOT NECESSARY! I also had a nice slew of text messages that progressively got worse. The first started out with a simple question mark (?- meaning where are you Love, and whyyyy aren't you texting me... this is in my head). The next just says "Mo"- meaning right now I am using a cute nickname, so hopefully you will text me back. Look how cute I'm being. The next says my full name in all caps. *I have to protect my true identity here* FULLLLLL NAMEEE??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this means I have five minutes to answer back to this text or I'm in trouble) The last text message was so warm and fuzy. The kind that you love to read when you wake up. " What the hell are you doing?" At this point my eyes were open so I responded. Napping. OBVIOUSLY, not napping anymore. And then I started to explain in a text message what I look like after only one hour of sleep:Need I say more?

*Update: Picture One looks a little nice. Too nice. So here is picture two:

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. Except my naps tend to be half of a nights sleep.
