Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life Goes Full Circle

It seriously has been forever. Update on my life: I am now back to almost the same job I was in before. What's the difference you ask? I now live with my parents. Cooper is not allowed in the house. What's the same? I still have no money. 

Good News: I'm engaged! Not to the one that was in most of these post. Instead, to my best friend whom I started dating shortly after I moved back home. Yay me! So I won't have to live here long before Coop and I are on the move yet again! 

Since I'm back to work at almost the same job I was before, it has once again prompted me to write. I'm not sure what it is about this job. Don't get me wrong, it is what I went to college to do/be, but sometimes it can be overwhelming and stressful. 

Over the past couple of months there really hasn't been anything worth writing in my life or worth sharing with the wonderful internet world. So hopefully coming up I will be able to write about the crazy wedding planning progress, which by the way I wanted to quit after day 3 of planning. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Help A Girl Out!

This one is for my younger sister:

PLEASE please please help me win a contest! All you have to do is click on the LINK below and 'LIKE' my design for Jovani's Wedding Dress Design Contest!


My goal is to get around 5,000 'Likes' by Friday when the contest ends.
Please invite all your friends to this page or just tell then to like this link!!

If I win I have a chance of becoming a freelance designer for Jovani! It has always been my DREAM to become a fashion designer! Please be apart of making my dream come true, all it takes is a click of a button!!

Thanks so much!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Forgive me,

It has been forever! I've been writing for a magazine based out of Athens, GA. I absolutely loveeeee it! So here is the link to read what I've been doing instead of blogging. Happy Reading :)
 pgs. 16-18, 25-27, 50-22

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Down Under

I am procrastinating right now. I should be writing my article which is due tomorrow but instead I thought I would update my blog. I would like to dedicate this blog to Australia. Land of good looking men and accents. You one of the ONLY countries that do not read my blog. I understand that most of you are decedents of criminals from Great Britain, but the rest of the world really loves you (and would really like for you to read this). I went to Europe after my senior year of high school and we met a group of Australians. They loved us! We got along really well. Except when you give them the peace sign don't turn it sideways (apparently that means something bad to them). I really have nothing to say so here are some pictures.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here's To New Beginnings

So I realize my last post was a little harsh. Please just let me clarify that it was not about me being cheated on recently. Confusing, I know. Just as Jennifer Nettles wrote the song "Stay" from the other woman's perspective, I, too, was doing the same. Now that we are clear I can begin my new beginnings post!

I am about to embark on yet another adventure. I have resigned from my full-time job (the one where I make no money) and taken an internship this summer (where I can do what I love, WRITE). This seems like a wonderful opportunity but I know it  isn't always "glitter and unicorns" on the other side. I still am in need of a full time job come September (so if any of you amazing readers would like to hire me, I would like to be hired). I am also leaving my current location and moving back home. This is definitely not peaches-n-cream. On the plus side I will be saving the little- to- no money I have, on the downside well, I am moving back in with the parentals.

Karma and I have been trying to be friends lately. I even gave 3 pennies today at McDonalds. I don't know if Karma works if I tell you what I just did. I'm not sure if the same rules that apply for wishes are applied to Karma. If so then I guess I will have to start over.

Story and picture time! (it's been a while since you've seen my masterpieces). So to new beginnings.  My last day of work I took a MONSTER of a box that weighed 5908 pounds out to my car full of books. These were books that haven't been touched in years. I was not using a hyperbole when I said 5908 pounds, I weighed it. Well, I had the bright idea to trade these books for some more interesting books at a local trade store. So I parked my car next to another car and was trying to get the box out of my car and just couldn't. Then, I decided since another car was parked next to mine I would move my car to one with that didn't have another car parked beside it. Well, I couldn't shut the damn door. Now I'm trying to budge this 5908 pound box of books back into my car and can't. Did I mention that it was close to 100 degrees outside? It's close to 100 degrees outside. I also have on a dress. Finally, I slammed my car door shut, got back into my car, and drove across the parking lot. I f bfvgr`1q (That was Cooper typing since this is my first story that doesn't involve him...guess he felt left out) I finally get the box of books out of my car. This is when I realized that I couldn't even pick up the box. I had not one but TWO boys carry the box out and put the books in my car. So me in my LONG maxi dress in the 100 degree heat decide to drag the box of box across the parking lot. I had to stop on several occasions. This establishment is located in a strip mall off the highway with restaurants and a nail salon and a dog grooming business. I KNOW these people saw me. Once I finally got the box in there the woman told me to come back tomorrow. Really??? I left the box and she called me the next day to tell me they don't have room large enough for the box and to come back and get it. Fortunately, I do not have enough gas in my car to come back and get it, so for now it stays.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"You Need To Shut Your Lips And Learn"

Disclaimer: Do not read this if you are over the age of 45, offended easily, or are my parents or grandparent. You will not be happy after reading this. As for the rest of my AWESOME readers, get ready you're in for a treat.

How to Suck at Cheating on Your Girlfriend: AKA HOW TO SUCK AT LIFE
1. Having a Facebook
2. Having friends that have a Facebook
3. Knowing people that know people
4. Thinking you are a smooth talker but really you're not
5. MAKING UP STORIES about not having a girlfriend
6. Lying to a girl that has an AWESOME blog and doesn't mind talking shit about you on it.. oh snap that's me
7. Being a GUY... I'm sure Lesbians would do it better
8. Lying to a girl who does research for a living, lying to a girl who is A GIRL.. they ALWAYS find out.. are you worried yet? You should be.

9. Thinking you got away with it.. even after a year they find out, so go ahead and admit it. The worst that can happen is that they will dismember you or that you just got some sexually transmitted disease (in that case you should just go ahead and dismember yourself)
10.  Right now you should be worried. Sweating. Can't stop thinking about it? Chest a little tight? Checking your shit out down there to make sure you're okay? HAUNTED yet?????

How to Cheat like a Pro:
1. Make up a new name: Decius Luke Forgettem After You Freaking Meet
2. Make up a new life: Your an Alaskan King Crab Fisherman (Trust me they won't want to go to Alaska to visit you) DO NOT SAY SOMETHING EXOTIC, THEY WILL COME VISIT YOU
3. Drive a bicycle: NOT a MOTORCYCLE... A bike. That way you can't take anyone else with you. One seater. Don't forget your bike helmet. Shows you're committed to cheat- fest.
4. Create a fake Facebook account using your new name and life so that way you look legit. Just grab some pictures of Alaska off of Google. Don't forget to throw in some pictures of you at work on a fishing boat.

Dear boys, You are welcome for the tips.Good Luck in life. I hope you alllllllll find happiness.

How to be Awesome: Don't cheat, don't think about cheating, don't talk about cheating, don't think about talking about thinking about cheating. Just don't cheat. 

On a brighter note: I got asked to be a resident blogger and have an internship this summer to be an Editorial Team member for a magazine. Two-finger clap. Yes!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thank You Ugly Betty...

This year has been life changing. I've had to actually grow up on my own. I have now lived almost completely alone for an entire year with the exception of my now ONE year old puppy,  Cooper (he just had a birthday!). As a girl in her early twenties I would say this is an accomplishment. Never did I picture my life like this. I thought that I would be married by now living in the same town that I grew up in. Thankfully, I am not married yet and moved away from my family. This really did give me a chance to learn more about me. Learn who I am as a woman in her early twenties. I learned that my best friends will always be my best friends no matter where I live, I've learned to deal with a situation for an entire year even if I am not happy, I've learned to smile even when I have nothing to smile about. More importantly I've learned that family is not only there when you need them, but also when you don't (and that's not always a bad thing).

Some less important but useful things I have learned to do are: how to carry at least fifteen grocery bags on my arms so that I don't have to make two trips up and down the stairs. I hate making more than one trip. I have had so many bags piled up on my arms that I've had to walk with them between my legs. My car keys have imprinted on my skin. I consider this a work-out. The hardest part is closing the trunk door with the bags on your arms. I can steam-clean my own carpets now ( I owe this one all to Cooper). I can take apart an entire vacuum cleaner and put it back together working now. I learned how to cook chicken, rice, and asparagus (I swear this turned out great, not like my "nachos"- See older blogs).  I've almost learned how to manage money (hopefully this will get better with age). I've learned to do without. I have to prioritize. Cable- not an essential, so thanks to my lack of funds I have 13 channels. TV Guide channel is better than I used to give it credit. Thank you Ugly Betty.

I know it has been almost a month since I've blogged. In the last month I've been trying to figure out my next move. Where I see myself and what I would be happy doing. I'll let you know when I figure something out.