Tuesday, March 15, 2011

FYI: I am not an overweight-weird girl who eats my feelings... but I am weird.

For starters "strange is just a different point of view." For those of you reading my blog who think I am especially weird and overweight because all I seem to talk about is my dog, sleeping, hating my job, and breaking up with my "whatever," you would be wrong. I did mention that I worked out five days last week and I am proud of myself for that. Do you know how hard it is to motivate me to workout by myself when I could do something fun like sleep? Did I mention I love naps? Once I get into the habit of working out I'm fine and will do it. I love Zumba and cycling and I used to swim year-round and dance in my youth. I just felt like I should clear the air.

Topic number two: I got a valentine this year (check me out) so do not think I am saying this because I am "one of those girls who can't get a guy," so they want their own day, but I do want my own day. My older sister told me about a Sex in the City episode where Carrie dedicates a day to herself and makes all her friends buy her shoes. There really should be a Singles Day. Where everyone that is in a relationship should buy all their friends that aren't a present. A good present too. Not a piece of crap card that makes the person feel like they are the center of a pity party. Noooo, the couples need to remember and be jealous of the single people. They should have to think of times when they were single and how much fun it was. Just like on Valentines day how a single person has to be reminded they are alone, Couples needed to be reminded they aren't alone. Ever.

I love relationships. I really do. I am a girlfriend type of girl, but while I'm single I should get presents too. This way everyone wins. You get gifts when you are and aren't in a relationship. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Keep on Waiting for the Sun to Come Around"

I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to get into a relationship that is mutual. I feel like I'm always waiting for my life to start. I know that in a way it has but then again sometimes I look at my life and think, THIS IS NOT MY LIFE. This is not how my life is supposed to be. I am thankful that I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and a job. I am not complaining about these things, but at the same time I feel like I am just waiting for something better to come along. Starting last week I decided to pick out one really great thing that happened each day (some days I have to stretch it).

Here's a list of some good things that happened last week:
*Saved $20.00 at Ulta
*Cooper got new toys because he chewed up my cowgirl boots (This is a plus for Coop, negative for me) If anyone would like to buy me a new pair let me know. ;)
*I got to take a nap on Saturday AND Sunday! (Like I said, right now I'm stretching it)
*I worked out five days last week

I'm going to wake up early everyday this week and go walk on the beach with Coop and watch the sunrise. New goal for this week. I'll let you know how this goes. I'll try to blog about it and post pictures each day.

List of Random Things I Love:
1. Catcher in the Rye, The Wedding, Huckleberry Finn
2. Eating pretzels, chocolate, and water... NOT to be confused with chocolate covered pretzels 
3. Blue Cheese dressing in the summertime
4. Tomatoes
5.Falling asleep on the beach
6. Quoting movies
7. Taking Naps
8. Puppy breath
9. Singing in my car alone
10. Crying in books and movies
11. Getting flowers
12. Going to see bands play
13. Clemson
14. Being on the lake

Here is where I got the title for today's post- It's by Sister Hazel (MY FAVORITE BAND, if you couldn't tell)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Life Got In The Way"

I don't do change well, I never have. The night before I left for college I sat in my freshly emptied room stripped of all its memories of high school. I knew at that moment things were never going to be the same. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. My freshman year of college was awful. I had serious thoughts of transferring schools. After that year I grew to love college. A lot of it had to do with the amazing people I met my sophomore year. I changed everything about what I hated to make it better. I lived with four random people and built some unbreakable friendships. I made a best friend out of one of my roommates. I found an amazing man at school (my former "whatever").  By the time graduation came around I had fallen in love with my college. Yet another chapter was ending and a new one beginning. This time I was eager for this chapter of my life to begin...that didn't last too long.

Everything has changed again. My "whatever" and I are finally over. After two years its a bitter-sweet taste left in my mouth. I'm not angry. He taught me so much. He taught me to love again and to love myself. He showed me how someone should really be treated within a relationship. The first time we broke up I bought Cooper (I heard that getting a pet is the best thing you can do for a break-up), so that's a huge positive out of our relationship.

  It's funny how life never works out the way you think it's going to. You can plan all you want but life still doesn't do what you want it to. I should probably stop planning. I am interested to see how this is all going to turn out.

*If you're a first time reader my blogs are normally way more upbeat and happy and strange! Sorry for the Debbie Downer today.

*Title from Sister Hazel song, "Life got in the way" ... amazing song! Go listen to it! This is the best version I could find of the song on YouTube